The Old Wykehamist Lodge
Consecrated on 20th October 1911, the Old Wykehamist Lodge is a Masonic lodge for Old Wykehamists and others with close ties to Winchester College.
Who We Are
The Old Wykehamist Lodge is a vibrant and active Masonic lodge, with over forty members. We meet three times a year, twice in central London and once in Winchester. The meeting in Winchester is always special, not least as we dine in College Hall.
The Lodge is a member of a broader network of Public School Lodges, namely the Public School Lodges' Council (PSLC). More information can be found here:
The Lodge retains close ties with other members of the PSLC, and encourages its members to visit other Lodges.
In addition to Craft masonry, the Lodge has close ties to the Carthusian Royal Arch Chapter No. 2885 and the Old Wykehamist Rose Croix Chapter no. 184.
We are honoured regularly to support four charities that have close connections to the Lodge and its members.
Our membership qualifications include being an Old Wykehamist, a current or former Don of the College or a Quirister, and being at least 21 years old. For membership enquiries, please use the form at the bottom of this page.
Meetings for 2022
220th Regular Meeting
Saturday 28th May
Winchester Masonic Centre
Followed by:
Drinks in the Warden's Garden
Dinner in College Hall
219th Regular Meeting
Thursday 3rd February
10 Duke Street St. James's, London
Followed by:
Dinner at Brooks's
110th Installation Meeting
Thursday 3rd November
10 Duke Street St. James's, London
Followed by:
Dinner at Brooks's
Contact us
Information on Freemasonry
Freemasonry is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world.
For more information on Freemasonry, please see the United Grand Lodge of England's website:
For more information on London Freemasonry in particular, please see the Metropolitan Grand Lodge's website:
Alternatively, if you are interested in knowing more about the Old Wykehamist Lodge in particular, please use the form below to contact our Secretary.